Fuel Car advantages
Invest In A Fuel Card For Your Fleet To Enjoy The Benefits
Auto News

DO you need a Fuel Card? If you have an operational fleet of vehicles for your business venture, then a fuel card is the best option for you. With an operational fleet the fuel consumption is enormous and so is the expenditure on the fuel. A vehicle fuel card is like a credit card solely for refueling purposes. Invest in this hassle-free mode of payment for the fuel consumption of your entire fleet of trucks and vehicles.

If you are on the lookout for a fuel card, keep in mind to go for a reputable and experienced service like the Speedway Fleet Card which is widely accepted all across the United States. In case you are wondering about why to invest in a fuel card, the following section of the post is for you. Here our experts have compiled a list of all the benefits of using a fuel card.

Let us have a look.

Fuel cards: The general idea

For your venture purposes let’s assume you have a fleet of around 7-10 trucks and vehicles and they are regularly on the road. This means you need fuel for plying the vehicles smoothly. And you need to buy in bulk since your consumption is enormous. Fuel cards offer advantages to operational fleets for buying diesel and gasoline in bulk. These cards can be used irrespective of the size of the vehicles, the type of carriers; contracted, private, or independent operators. More importantly, fuel cards are widely accepted in various gas stations all over the country.

Fuel cards for calculating fuel savings

There are a few general rules that you need to keep in mind while calculating fuel savings. The discounts that you are offered are generally on the per gallon basis. The discount deal is usually stuck between the fuel card company and the merchant. There are two main models when it comes to saving.

These are the “retail-minus” and the “cost-plus” savings scheme. For the retail minus plan, a part of the cost is deducted from the base price of per gallon fuel whereas, in the cost plus mode, the OPIS or the Oil Pricing Information Service is responsible for determining the base price over which the tax and transport charges are levied. It is a great idea to ask for the information before investing in a fuel card.

Fuel cards to cap the spending

Other than the discount on fuel prices, fuel cards also offer various bonuses and lines of credit which are used to pay the expenses of the road. This means, no more handling your precious credit card or a wad of cash to your drivers and truckers, which makes the entire process entirely hassle-free.

Manage the fleet better

Fuel cards are backed by a user account, which means you can check on the expenses and the available limit online. This easy access to all the detailed spending information enables the venture owner to keep tabs and manage the fleet expenses better.

Fuel cards to manage logistical difficulties

Fuel prices vary regularly, and this is where fuel cards will offer you the benefit of regular information and updates right to your smartphone. Mobile apps will enable you to plan the shortest routes or conversely a route with the maximum number of refueling stops as per the schedule.

Additionally, fuel cards are beneficial due to the miscellaneous savings that include maintenance and repairs of the vehicles along with trucker lodging and food. So, get online and find the right fuel card for your fleet today.

Fuel Car advantages
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