Four Easy Car DIY Tips That Will Save You Money
Automobiles will require maintenance from time to time and this is simply part of being a car owner. Many motorists will immediately take their car into the garage in this situation, but often it is DIY work that anyone can carry out at home. Carrying it out yourself can save you a fortune in garage fees, as well as give you the satisfaction of completing the work yourself. You will need a full tool kit and tool chest, with most of the items that you need available from places like SGS. Here are a few easy repairs with minimal expenses: Brake Pads Your brake pads need changing every 20,000 miles or so. First, raise the car on a jack stand and break the lugs on the tires. Remove the wheel and brake caliper – this allows the brake pad to slide out. On the reverse of the caliper you will find two bolts which should be removed and set aside. Hold the caliper from the top and pull upwards before setting it somewhere safe. The old pads will now slide out and you can easily place the new ones in with the same clips. Compress the brake piston and put the end of your C-clamp with the screw against the piston and the other end against the caliper. Tighten until you can place the caliper assembly over the new brake pads. Reinstall the caliper, replace the wheel and repeat for the other pads. Spark Plugs Check your user manual to see when spark plugs need replacing, but typically it is every 30,000 miles. The spark plugs are installed in order, so you must follow this order when replacing them. First, you must remove the wire to the first plug. With your ratchet and the spark plug socket and extension, remove the first plug. Screw the new one in by hand and then tighten with a wrench until snug. Reattach the wire and repeat for the remaining spark plugs. Change Oil Changing the oil is a little trickier and takes a bit more equipment, but it is still maintenance that anyone can carry out themselves. You will need a ratchet, oil filter wrench, jack, oil pan and funnel. Never carry this out while the engine is still warm and make sure that you are confident raising your car with a jack. First, get under the vehicle to located the oil pan – unscrew the plug and let the oil drain into your oil pan. Replace the plug once it has all drained out. Next, remove the oil filter with your filter wrench from the engine. Use some new motor oil to lubricate the gasket on the new filter and fill the filter around two-thirds with new oil. Screw this in by hand and use a funnel to fill the engine with oil. Finally, check your oil level with a dipstick and dispose of the oil filter and old oil. These are a few DIY tricks to help any motorist save money on their garage bills each year and they will also boost your confidence and give you great satisfaction.  Scotty-Kilmer-Rates-Dailycarblog-Highly
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